Version: 1.0
Date Effective: 2019-05-19
I welcome and value vulnerability disclosures from responsible security
researchers, and I recognize the importance of the work done by the
security community. I have developed this policy to encourage and
support responsible disclosure and the crucial work done by ethical
The following are in-scope:
- My personal website at
- Any of projects under my GitHub account.
Note that only repositories owned by that account (U8NWXD) are
in-scope. The fact that I contribute to a repository does not make
it in-scope for this policy. Vulnerabilities discovered in those
projects should be reported to the project owners.
Everything not listed as in-scope above is out-of-scope and not covered
under this policy. Note that for the sake of clarity, the following are
explicitly out-of-scope:
- Any physical exploits or research that involves physical access to my
person or property.
- Any research involving physical tresspass.
- Any social engineering attack. Do not send any phishing emails, for
Note that except for requirements that are explicitly restricted to
intentional acts, both intentional and accidental violations of these
requirements will constitute a violation of this policy.
- You may not disclose any vulnerabilities without my explicit written
permission. Note that “disclosure” here includes both public and
private disclosure.
- You may not disrupt any services nor impair others’ ability to use any
- You may not modify or delete any data that I host, with the exception
that you may do so temporarily only to demonstrate the vulnerability.
- Neither this policy nor your ability to access data constitutes
authorization for you to access that data. If you discover a
vulnerability that provides access to data that I did not intend to be
accessible to you, you may not access the data except to the extent
that is strictly necessary to demonstrate the presence of a
- If you encounter any data that must be protected by law (e.g. protected
health information), you must not access the data and report the
vulnerability immediately.
- You must disclose to me, via the process described in this policy, any
vulnerabilities you discover.
- As much as possible, you must interact only with accounts you own or
with accounts whose owners have given you explicit, informed
permission for your activities.
- You must not at any time, not even when disclosing the vulnerability
or after disclosure, release any data you encounter that I did
not intend to be accessible. Note that “release” here includes both
public and private release.
- You must comply with all applicable laws, including those of the
United States of America. See the rest of this policy for safe harbor
- You must never threaten or infringe upon anyone’s rights, safety,
property, or person.
- You must only work on those systems or programs listed as in-scope by
this policy.
Safe Harbor
I consider research conducted in accordance with this policy to be:
- Conducted in good faith;
- Authorized for the purposes of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
and any any similar state laws;
- Exempt from the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA); and
- Lawful to the extent that the research was necessary to discover and
report the vulnerability.
I will not pursue legal action against anyone based on activities that
are authorized by and compliant with this policy. However, note that
these safe-harbor provisions only apply to me. If in the course of your
research you illegally access a third party’s system, for example, that
third party may still take legal action against you, and I might not
defend you.
Note that the above safe harbor provisions only apply to cyber-security
research conducted in compliance with this policy.
Submission Details
These details are non-binding and are only intended to give you an idea
of how I respond to vulnerability disclosures.
- Contact me using encrypted email to report the vulnerability. Details
and my public key are available from my
security page. Using an insecure communication method to
transmit details of a vulnerability may constitute an unauthorized
disclosure. Please include a
description of the vulnerability and detailed steps to reproduce it.
Reports should be clearly written in English.
- I will review your disclosure and respond within 10 business days.
- I may ask you for more details to help me remediate the vulnerability.
- I will remediate the vulnerability.
- I will most likely authorize you to publicly disclose the
vulnerability, disclose it myself, and publicly credit you with the
disclosure (if you so choose). I do not forsee a situation in which I
would prevent disclosure entirely, but such a situation may arise.
Note that I do not offer bug bounties, but I am happy to credit you for
your work!
This policy was inspired by the following resources: